Shisha smoking is becoming the favorite pass time of people living all around the world these days, although first being originated in Egypt shisha has now spread worldwide. Friends and colleagues enjoy having long conversations sitting in shisha parlors surrounded by the sweet and aromatic shisha smoke. When talking of shisha and shisha smoking one cannot deny the importance of the shisha pipes. A shisha pipe is one of the major parts of a shisha, this is where the smoke is originally filtered and then moistened with water. This pipe is what connects the smoker to his shisha during his aromatic 30- 60 minutes of shisha experience. The shisha pipe has been around for centuries now; it helped people relax as they puffed the aromatic smoke in and exhaled all their day’s worries and tensions out.
With time the shisha pipe has also undergone an evolution or transformation enabling it to suit to different cultures and traditions around the world. Decades ago ornamental shisha pipes were in vogue, special craftsmen were appointed to create special and decorative shisha pipes. The pipes were generally made from brass or any other such metal and added to the brass were ornaments, jewels, paints and different dyes. In the olden times shisha pipes were designed and styled to suit the individual needs of a shisha smoker. Nowadays however, these decorative and ornamental pipes have gone out of style. Comfort has definitely trumped decoration in this case, highly ornamental shisha pipes have almost become obsolete as they are too small and also don’t cool and filter smoke very well. Stainless steel shisha pipes are definitely in style these days, they work excellently when it comes to cooling and filtering the smoke.
Today, shisha pipes are available in many options- you can choose from single, double or multiple mouthpieces. A single mouthpiece is utilized for personal use while double and multiple mouthpieces are widely popular in social gatherings. You can also find in the market shisha pipes with disposable mouthpieces; these types are generally used in shisha cafes and parlors to keep the shisha Hookah experience safe and hygienic for all. Shisha enthusiasts and lovers never compromise when it comes to the quality of their shisha pipe as they understand the important function that it has to perform. A shisha pipe is responsible for mixing the smoke with the water and then cooling and filtering the aromatic shisha smoke. That is why careful consideration and inspection is given to the shisha pipe before a shisha is bought.
Shisha smoking is the newest trend seen almost all around the world these days. With the advent of shisha smoking, cigarette smoking seems to have been thrown out the window. Because unlike cigarettes shisha is all about companionship and bonding, it’s not just the smoke but the overall feel and experience of it that makes shisha smoking so amazing. Enjoy an aromatic shisha experience with your friends as this is the perfect way to enjoy and bond with them.